Implementing management systems & meeting ISO standards

Management systems and ISO implementation are important signposts for your company. They form the foundation of a successful business strategy by guaranteeing clear and smooth processes and high-quality standards.

Close your operational gap with our EHS experts

From ISO standards to complex integrated management systems: let’s start the implementation process.

What are management systems and ISO standards?

Management systems and ISO standards are an essential part of EHS management. Management systems help your organization to define its operational goals and derive strategies. Management systems, such as a quality management system, enable you to implement transparent processes and define responsibilities. ISO standards are international guidelines, defined by experts, for various areas such as quality, energy, environmental management or health & safety. ISO standards are developed and published by the International Organization of Standardization.

How a management system can benefit your business

Regardless of whether it is an SME or a large corporation: your company benefits from a management system that has been established and improved with our EHS management experts:

Boost your performance – now for tomorrow:

By implementing a management system, you establish and integrate new processes and structures in your company. They support you in reducing your company’s costs and risks and managing future challenges, also in the broad field of sustainability and the associated reporting obligations.

One-fits-all solutions rarely fit:

That’s the reason why at denkstatt we work with an integrated and holistic approach. We support you with tailor-made solutions for an integrated energy management system, quality and health and safety as well as an environmental management system.

External support for internal relief:

Working with us reduces your internal effort as we supply several decades of experience in EHS-related topics. We support the implementation of management systems on-site or at the corporate level with a track record of more than 150 successful projects worldwide. Added to this, you benefit from our significant experience in project management and our efficient customer support.

Why meet ISO standards

ISO standards represent the best approach to achieving your goals. The standards were developed to effectively anchor environmental protection, energy efficiency and occupational health and safety in the company and to ensure continuous improvement.

No matter whether you want to increase efficiency or avoid environmental impacts, standardization leads to clear processes. An ISO standard certification ensures quality requirements and helps you to avoid hazards or costs. These are the most common international management system standards:

ISO 9001

Quality management systems

ISO 14001

Environmental Management Systems (EMAS)

ISO 50001

Energy Management Systems (EnMS)

ISO 45001

Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) management systems

Our management system services

At denkstatt we support the analysis of your organization’s context to identify which future trends and changes like climate change, zero waste, industry 4.0 or e-mobility will affect your business. Related to these we help you to detect possible opportunities or risks, and to define who the crucial stakeholders are and what expectations they have.

We are here to support you – from conducting gap analysis, also called gap assessments, and system implementation to improvements and internal audits in the following management system subjects:

We support you in different stages of your processes and find a strategy that suits your company!


Frequently asked questions on ISO and management systems

A management system consists of the processes, procedures, and tools of an organization. A useful management system helps you with the alignment of your business strategy, performance and goal achievement monitoring.

When implementing a management system, we take a customer-specific approach. But in general, implementing a management system is based on these steps:


  • Conduct a gap analysis
  • Define the context and develop a policy
  • Evaluate risks and opportunities
  • Review legal frameworks and ensure legal compliance
  • Develop measures for your action plan or program
  • Ensure data collection and monitoring processes
  • Guarantee the internal organization of your management system
  • Create system documentation
  • PDCA-cycle: ensure improvement processes

There are different factors for the successful implementation of management systems. Our experience shows that committed drivers of the project are an essential prerequisite. This also applies to the commitment from management. In addition, sufficient time resources must be available to introduce and maintain the management system. If you manage to make quick wins visible, you keep motivation high and convince others who may have been skeptical at the beginning. After all, management systems are teamwork. The more people who support the project, the better.

Effective energy management systems are the key to improving your business’s energy performance, reducing consumption, and reducing costs. We provide businesses with the support they need to introduce an ISO 50001:2011 energy management system. This includes helping with developing processes, carrying out energy audits, implementing the management system, and obtaining certification from an independent certification body.

ISO standards as defined by the International Organization of Standardization are “a formula that describes the best way of doing something”. ISO standards are internationally recognized and available for different products, services or activities.

ISO standards are not mandatory per se and can be used on a voluntary basis. They only become binding when they are referred to in regulations, e. g. in EU directives.

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